Portable Nonsense

"A to Z Alliteration" – Forgotten Texts

Sometimes I do mental writing exercises with alliteration or trying to compose things within an alphabetical structure. Here is something I did with both.
Date of original writing: April 16th, 2010


Although all apples are always able, annually an amount aims at absolute amiability.

Bears basically brim brightly, bounding better, brining bundles baring bunched bananas.

Cyclists circled, calmly cranking, crushing cardboard cut-outs consciously.

Dead Donald didn't dare dream, dreading doleful days. Doing deadly deeds deemed dangerous daily.

Even elephants emerge effected, escaping everything electric, especially elevators.

Frequently finding fault, feeble failings flow, found Freudian food, frozen fudge filling fate.

Guess grasping greatly, guarding gum, getting gawking goggles gains genetic grunting?

Hoops have holes, hampered helpless, heaping homeless harm, harsh havoc has hands holding harried hostages.

Instead it images internal insides, instigating identical inspiration if Indian ids indeed implement intriguing impressions.

Jerry joked, joshed, japed. Jumping jinxed jackals jeeringly jejune, javelins jutting jam jars jauntily.

Keeping knowledge kindly, kicks kangaroos' keen kinship. Kids' kidneys kill kimonoed ketchup kings.

Lazy Lauren loped languidly, leisurely licking little lollipops, leaving large lollidrops. Larry lurching, losing liquid, leapt like lizards.

Many moles make marbles, moving more mud, mashing makeshift margarine moulds manually.

Never needle nasty narwhals, necessary now, near noticeable nutcases.

Our operation owes one onion or orange, out of obese oatmeal, other options obsolete.

Perfectly paired pencils parked parallel, putting partly pureed pudding places plastic.

Quintessentially quixotic quiet, quaint quandary, quizzically quite questionably quaking.

Regal, royal, raining rainbows, really running rampant, rarely receding rich rowdy reveling rages raw.

Simple Simon sat still setting spoons sideways, searching somehow, seeking sufficient stability.

Turtles tug tightly, towing troubling teeming test tubes, turbulent tainted tiny tempests tapping tinnily.

Upperclass Ursula understood unity unevenly, ultra uber unbearable undergarments.

Various voracious vultures, very vindictive, vainly viewed vicious visions vacuously.

Wind winded wide warping weirdly, Wally wanted what we were when wicked.

Xenophobic Xavier x-rayed xenoliths, xeroxing xerographic xylographic xylose.

Yearning yearly yet yielding your yarn, yams yapped yelling yahoo, yippee, yesterday.

Zealously zipping zinc zen zappers zestfully zeroed zeniths, zigzagging zombies zoomed zoologically.