Portable Nonsense

Black and white landscape shot of me in profile. Though the image cuts off the top and bottom of my head. There are inexplicable sparks erupting behind my head.

No one made you click anything, remember that

You've reached the internet page of the human known as Paul Nix. Well one of the humans known as that, anyways. This particular version is the one with the messy backyard, though I am working on it.

I've kicked around the onlinez for years now, lost a lot of the stuff I've built/created over that time. Used a bunch of different services and methods of hosting but I'm really digging what's going on over here in the Bear Blog zone. It's a lot more people/bear friendly.

I dabble in filmmaking, though I only dabble because my day job and life choices haven't really aligned in a way to make it more than dabbling. I am a frustrating work in progress, but ain't we all. Click around for a collection of random creative writings of mine over the year. It's not so much biographic as it is pseudo-biographic. Ooooh. Spooky!

Psst. There are more links to other stuff at the top, but I'm sure you'll find those on your own. This is just tiny for fun.